Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Four Ways of Understanding Passive Aggressive Behavior while keeping your sanity!

Understanding Passive Aggressive Behavior while keeping your sanity!

How can you pursue this relationship without being hurt?
Here is a short list of indicators to keep you aware of what is going on:

1.- The hidden anger aspect:

Passive Aggressive people carry a lot of repressed anger from their childhood, now projected on the people around them. It appears as sarcastic comments, derisive opinions and blaming other people.

Llook at the annoying behavior as 'behavior done with an impact on me'.
Recognize your emotions: is it anger? or disappointment? and remain calm and poised. Control your own breathing. Don't let him get the best of you. PA people begin to win when the shouting starts and you become defensive and angry at their inconsiderate behavior.
Instead, describe his behavior, and then talk about how it creates a problem. For instance, you might say, 'When we are discussing something and you make a sarcastic remark, it blocks the conversation and then I'm not able to tell you what you're really asking. It would be helpful to me if you would tell me directly what you're thinking and feeling. That way, I can respond and perhaps we can even make things better.'

Read the Full article at:Four Ways of Understanding Passive Aggressive Behavior while keeping your sanity!